Kata Kunci:
Quality of Health Services, SERVQUAL, IPA, XYZ Hospital.Abstrak
XYZ Hospital is a type c military hospital located in Surabaya and has the function of support and optimal health
services for military personnel, military families, and the general public. In its implementation, there are several
problems related to health services including a decrease in the number of patient visits, lack of human resources,
and long patient service times. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the quality of health services in improving
XYZ hospital services. Service quality (Servqual) and Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) methods are used
to measure the level of quality of health services provided to patient satisfaction. Based on the results of research
from 99 respondents, it shows that from the 5 dimensions of Servqual, there are positive performance gaps,
namely 3 attributes E1-X7, E4-X10, A3-X27, and negative values, namely 27 attributes R2-X20, R4-X22, RE1-
X12, RE3 -X14, R5-X23, A5-X60, A1-25, T4-X4, A2-X26, T1-X1, RE5-X16, R3-X21, RE7-X18, T5-X5, RE2-X13,
T3-X3, E5-X11, R1-X19, R6-X24, T2-X2, A4-X28, T6-X6, RE6-X17, A6-X30, RE4-X15, E3-X9, and E2-X8. In IPA,
Quadrant I has 10 attributes, namely T5-X5, RE1-X12, RE3-14, RE5-X16, RE7-X18, R4-X22, R5-X23, R2-X20,
A1-X25, A5-X29 which are priority improvements health services, quadrant II 6 attributes that show maintain
achievement, quadrant III 8 attributes are considered less important for patients and the services obtained are
considered normal and quadrant IV 6 attributes. considered less important for patients but the services provided
are too excessive.
Keywords: Quality of Health Services, SERVQUAL, IPA, XYZ Hospital.